LiteLLM allows developers to call all LLM APIs using the openAI format. LiteLLM Proxy is a proxy server to call 100+ LLMs in OpenAI format. Both are supported by this auto-instrumentation.
This package implements OpenInference tracing for the following LiteLLM functions:
These traces are fully OpenTelemetry compatible and can be sent to an OpenTelemetry collector for viewing, such as Arize Phoenix.
pip install openinference-instrumentation-litellm
In a notebook environment (jupyter
, colab
, etc.) install openinference-instrumentation-litellm
if you haven’t already as well as arize-phoenix
and litellm
pip install openinference-instrumentation-litellm arize-phoenix litellm
First, import dependencies required to autoinstrument liteLLM
and set up phoenix
as an collector for OpenInference traces.
import litellm
import phoenix as px
from openinference.instrumentation.litellm import LiteLLMInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.http.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import SimpleSpanProcessor
Next, we’ll start a phoenix
server and set it as a collector.
session = px.launch_app()
endpoint = ""
tracer_provider = TracerProvider()
Set up any API keys needed in you API calls. For example:
import os
Instrumenting LiteLLM
is simple:
Now, all calls to LiteLLM
functions are instrumented and can be viewed in the phoenix
completion_response = litellm.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages=[{"content": "What's the capital of China?", "role": "user"}])
acompletion_response = await litellm.acompletion(
messages=[{ "content": "Hello, I want to bake a cake","role": "user"},
{ "content": "Hello, I can pull up some recipes for cakes.","role": "assistant"},
{ "content": "No actually I want to make a pie","role": "user"},],
embedding_response = litellm.embedding(model='text-embedding-ada-002', input=["good morning!"])
image_gen_response = litellm.image_generation(model='dall-e-2', prompt="cute baby otter")
You can also uninstrument the functions as follows
Now any liteLLM function calls you make will not send traces to Phoenix until instrumented again